Online learning with the University of Liverpool: our student experience

Ranked in the top 200 universities in the world, studying with the ‘original’ redbrick university is guaranteed to be an experience to remember. Although you will be studying online, you will also be a University of Liverpool student and we are keen to make you feel a part of our university community. We are committed to supporting your personal and professional development, and ensuring you make the most of your time with us. As part of our online learning blog series, this post covers the student experience at the University of Liverpool as an online student.  

Throughout your studies you will have chance to connect with our global community of students and build long lasting relationships with your peers. Alongside these connections, your modules will help shape your professional development and give you a unique insight into your chosen programme area. To top it all off, you’ll also have the opportunity to graduate on campus and join our global community of alumni.

Rob Jackson – Head of Student Services 

Embrace a global community 

We offer many opportunities to connect with peers and build long-lasting connections. Throughout your modules, you will partake in discussion forums within our virtual learning platform. These discussions are an opportunity for students to reflect on course content, share knowledge with others, and network on a global level. You may also participate in group projects, tutorials, and virtual social events which will build your international awareness as you connect with students from across the world.

Develop professionally

Whether you are studying to upskill or for a career change, our postgraduate programmes are designed to help students achieve their life goals and aspirations. You will study modules focussed on developing professional skills relevant to your chosen industry. As a University of Liverpool online student, you will also have access to resources which will support you with your career development. These include guidance around careers paths, access to careers coaches, and CV support. There are also a range of platforms included such as Graduates First, The Forage and LinkedIn Learning that have digital tools and resources focusing on virtual internships, aptitude tests and much more to help achieve your professional goals. 

We have a team dedicated to providing students with an elite online university experience. Each online programme also has an assigned Student Voice – a representative who can provide feedback to academic tutors and the managerial team. .

Graduate on campus at the University of Liverpool 

Any student who completes an online master’s degree will be invited to attend a graduation ceremony at the University of Liverpool. You will gain a prestigious qualification from an elite Russell Group university and join our global alumni community, with your mode of study only mentioned on your academic transcript.

Join the 20,000 online graduates since the year 2000 who have decided to further their career with the University of Liverpool.

Find out what other students had to say about their experiences studying online on our testimonials page. Alternatively, discover which programmes we offer on the subject area of our website. 

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