Learn about Simón’s journey studying our Master of Public Health

In this blog post, one of our Master of Public Health (MPH) graduates, Simon Serka, answers some questions about his experience as an online student with the University of Liverpool, how he has applied his new knowledge, and his plans for the future.

Background: Career and Education

My name is Simón Serka. I was born in Santiago de Chile and moved to Barcelona with my family during my adolescence. I studied Biomedical Sciences (Autonomous University of Barcelona) and an MSc in Cognitive Neuroscience (King’s College London).

As a graduate student, I undertook internships at the LeDoux Laboratory (New York University Center for Neural Science, NY, USA) and the Johansen Laboratory (RIKEN Center for Brain Science, Tokyo, Japan), investigating the neural circuitry of learning and memory. Upon completing my studies, I joined the Cortical Circuit Dynamics Group (IDIBAPS, Barcelona, Spain) as a research assistant, investigating the neural mechanisms underlying decision-making. In particular, how neurons in the pre-frontal cortex dominate the influence of expectations in decision-making.

After a couple of years, I decided to shift career paths and pursue a career in public health. Thanks to the flexibility of the University of Liverpool online MPH programme, I combined my public health studies with a position as a high-school science teacher at a private school for elite athletes in Barcelona. My experience as a high-school teacher undoubtedly influenced my motivation to investigate adolescent school-based mental health promotion, the topic of my dissertation.

I graduated from the online MPH programme in July 2022. Since then I’ve been splitting my time between my two part-time jobs: (1) freelance medical writer (working in medical communication projects for companies such as Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca or Roche) and (2) project coordinator at the mental health association ActivaMent (a pioneer organization in the implementation of Mutual Aid Groups and community-based mental health promotion interventions in Catalonia).

Why did you choose Liverpool for your MPH?

I valued the flexibility the online programme provided and felt drawn by its curriculum. I came across other public health programmes that seemed more heavily focused on epidemiology, while the University of Liverpool’s curriculum seemed more balanced and comprehensive.

How did you find studying at Liverpool online?

I enjoyed the programme’s flexibility as it allowed me to combine my studies and work. Even though at times I missed having lectures (even if online), I found the programme’s structure and content to be very well-thought and conducive towards learning. The suggested readings were always thought-provoking, and reflexivity was strongly encouraged throughout the assignments. In addition, the interactions with other students via the forum and collaborations were very enriching.

Do you have any highlights that particularly stand out?

Perhaps, I would highlight how throughout the programme assignments always pushed me to reflect on my own thinking and approach to the research. There was a lot of emphasis on reflexivity and positionality (the position a researcher adopts within a given research study). This requires examining your identity to assess the effect that your personal characteristics and perspectives might have on your research; for me, it was a very revealing experience.

Do you have a favourite module on the MPH?

I would say that I enjoyed some of the introductory modules the most, as they gave me a whole new perspective on public health. Coming from a biomedical background, I was quite unfamiliar with interpretivism. During the module “Generating and Evaluating Public Health Evidence”, we learned about ontological and epistemological approaches, and this changed my way of conceptualising research in public health. Simply put, we could say that it changed my perception of what knowledge is and how it’s generated and used in public health.

What would you say to any students thinking about studying the MPH?

I would tell them that if they want to pursue a career in public health, studying the online MPH at the University of Liverpool might be their best move forward!

How have you applied the skills you’ve learned in your professional role?

The MPH has influenced both my work as a medical writer and my role as a project coordinator in community mental health promotion. As a medical writer, I’ve benefited from mastering qualitative research methods. For instance, learning about focus groups and how to analyse data gathered from them influenced my approach to generating reports from board meetings, a task I often need to engage with as a medical writer. As project coordinator, everything I learned from the perspective of health systems performance and assessment has been extremely helpful.

To find out more about our Master of Public Health (MPH) online course,visit our programme page. For comprehensive information, including module learning outcomes, download a programme booklet

Spotlight on our MSc Management online course

A Management MSc will provide the skills you need to become a successful and innovative professional manager. Successful modern businesses have managers that can adapt quickly to change, motivate employees, make strategic decisions, and establish effective business relationships at an international level.  

In this blog post, we will look at the online master’s in management course with the University of Liverpool and explore the many ways it can benefit your career progression.

Who is a master’s in management for?

Our master’s in management is a fully online and part-time postgraduate programme designed with you in mind. Whether you are an aspiring manager or seeking a management position, this Management MSc course will fully equip you with the intellectual, learning, and professional skills to experience a successful management career.

Management training can be an inspirational path to support you in your journey to becoming the future leader of tomorrow, starting today. To offer you a hand in your management journey, we are open to developing the next budding entrepreneur looking to set up a business, the best candidate for that new job with a top company or anyone seeking promotion in their current role. So, if you tick all the boxes, this course would be idea for you.

In terms of the application process, students will be considered on a case-by-case basis. However, applicants are required to hold a minimum 2.1 degree (equivalent to a UK bachelor’s degree) in any subject. Alternatively, we will consider any evidence of professional work experience or qualifications in a related field.

What are the educational aims of this MSc course?

The master’s degree in management at the University of Liverpool aims to provide the theoretical knowledge and relevant practical skills needed to succeed in a management career. These aims are embodied within the learning, teaching, and assessment strategy for the programme, which is within the scope of the professional accreditation of the Management School by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), with who we share the common goal to ‘create the next generation of great leaders.’

Students can develop in-demand skills within a supportive and collaborative online learning environment with a global classroom of learners. To ensure a progressive approach to online learning and to build a learning community, this programme is designed to ensure that all students take modules in a specific order.

Our research-connected teaching will ensure that current debate and research findings are reflected in the syllabus, build your critical awareness and understanding of research and human enquiry, and develop your practical research skills. 

The University of Liverpool curriculum framework offers a teaching and learning design model that is flexible, structured, and supported. As a student, you can benefit from an active learning approach and be a co-producer of the management programme by determining the direction of the content and assessment according to your professional context. This will be achieved through sharing experiences and ideas through online blogs, discussion boards, and collective analysis of work-based issues. Additionally, students will be encouraged to share workplace issues they may face to enable collaborative sense-making and problem-solving. 

By the end of the course, students will have the fundamental knowledge needed to succeed in a fast-paced business environment, including how to lead, organise and structure teams on a global scale. In addition, students will learn how to overcome the potential challenges when working at an international level, such as the implications of cross-cultural management and working within various legislative frameworks. 

Using evidence-based theory and comprehensive research methods, students can critically analyse financial information and business data to strategically improve business output, streamline processes, and pursue new business opportunities to increase profitability.

What does the MSc Management programme entail?

Learning at the University of Liverpool online will be combined with study and written assignments. You will be able to engage in virtual classroom discussions with fellow students from across the world, so you can learn from a diverse range of experiences to help inform your practice in management.

The course content of this MSc in Management covers the core skills needed to become a professional manager, including decision-making skills, strategy and development tools, people management, leadership, entrepreneurship and change resilience.

As a student, you will be nurtured and matured to meet the dynamic demands of employers. The applied aspects of this programme will provide access to a range of career development resources and skills. You will learn how to establish and grow professional relationships with employees, partners, and stakeholders internationally to help businesses expand and develop. Students will also understand the importance of ethical responsibility and sustainability in the world of business and how they can apply these principles in the workplace. Our authentic assessment will ensure assignments are meaningful and enable the development of employability attributes relevant to management development.

Graduates of the MSc Management programme will have developed an understanding of the career opportunities within management and will be able to articulate their career aims. Furthermore, you will be able to reflect on the key skills and attributes developed both within and outside of the programme and be able to construct a personal development plan.

Your practical learning experience will be enhanced by access to guest speakers embedded within modules, which will be a medium of either a video podcast or webinar where you can ask the speaker questions and develop a network of contacts. Furthermore, you will have access to publishing opportunities outside module requirements.

At the end of the course, you will complete a research dissertation on a management topic of your choice, utilising the theories and frameworks learned during this course.

The programme contains the following modules:

  • Management Perspectives & Practices
  • Becoming a Leader 
  • Ethical and Sustainable Business Practice 
  • Finance and Data Analysis for Managers 
  • Strategic Management and Contemporary Organization
  • Identity, Learning and The Global Professional 
  • Entrepreneurship and Innovation 
  • Research Methods
  • Dissertation

All course content, including eBooks and journals, will be available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, so students can choose to study when it is convenient.

What are the benefits of studying for a Management MSc?

Having the specialist tools and knowledge you will gain from studying for a Management MSc will significantly increase your employability. A valuable asset in the evolving and fast-paced nature of business is the ability to adapt to changes on an international level, and the skills to establish and maintain global relationships.

The leadership, communication, and management skills you will learn are transferable to a range of sectors, such as healthcare, government departments, risk management, marketing, manufacturing, retail, and finance, giving you more flexibility and choice when seeking new career opportunities. Alternatively, you could work as a consultant for several organisations or start your own company. 

Studying an MSc through the University of Liverpool’s online learning platform gives you the flexibility to study at a time and place convenient for you, which means you do not have to disrupt your work and home life to advance in your career.

If you would like to learn more about the University of Liverpool Management MSc course, head to our programme page for further information on course content, fees and structure.

Would a career in Finance & Investment Management suit me? 

In the fast-paced and ever-changing economic climate, businesses are striving for ways to improve, develop and grow. To achieve this, businesses are creating finance and investment management jobs for professionals who can understand market trends, analyse data, and make strategic decisions.   

In this blog post, we are going to take a closer look at what a career in finance and investment involves, the skills required to work in this area and how studying a 100% online and part-time Finance and Investment Management MSc at the University of Liverpool could help advance your career path or update your current skills.  

What is finance and investment management?   

Finance and investment management is about understanding, organising, and overseeing financial assets and other investments. Financial and investment services can encompass a range of tasks such as sales and trading, budgeting and savings, personal, retail, and corporate banking, wealth management, retirement pension planning, tax services and insurance.  

As a finance and investment professional, you may be required to monitor business trends, analyse revenue and expenditure, assess, and quantify risk, implement innovative reforms, and boost expansion through undertaking new ventures.  

In the private sector, roles in finance and investment may involve helping companies increase their profitability or seek out new investment opportunities, on the other hand, in the public sector, it could relate to appropriately allocating public funds and ensuring projects are delivered within budget.   

What career opportunities are in Finance and Investment Management? 

With a master’s degree in Finance and Investment Management, you could secure job roles such as:  

  • Financial Analyst 
  • Risk Manager  
  • Investment Manager  
  • Wealth Manager 
  • Financial Advisor  
  • Investment Specialist 
  • Asset Manager 
  • Portfolio Manager 
  • Business Analyst 

Whether you are working independently or for an organisation, when working in this sector, the overall aim is to use your specialist knowledge to explore ways to maximise your client or employer’s economic stability, growth, and development through the appropriate management of finances and investments.     

What skills are required for finance and investment management?   

Working in financial and investment management requires skills that are often transferable from various other professions, which means if you are currently not working in a related field, you may still have some of the crucial skills needed to work in the finance and investment sector.   

Understanding and analysing numbers and applying your findings are skills often used in a range of roles, such as data analysis, IT, and research positions. Knowing how to present your findings and communicate your suggestions requires excellent communication and interpersonal skills to help motivate and inspire your team. For those already working in managerial or project management positions, you will have the decision-making, problem-solving and time management skills that are vital to finance and investment positions such as portfolio management, financial planning, and wealth management jobs.  

If you are already working in professions such as mathematics, engineering, physics, project management, information technology, and account management, you are likely to have many of the day-to-day skills required for a job and a successful career in the finance and investment sector.   

On a personal level, individuals will need to show a continued desire to learn, improve and progress, along with a strong commitment to adhere to the ethical standards and business regulations set out in the finance sector. Individuals should be able to express their ability to work on their initiative and as part of a team and will need to show fundamental qualities of resilience, critical thinking, flexibility, and negotiation.   

Working in this sector will also require specialist knowledge of core financial principles, such as corporate finance, financial regulations and ethics, equity and income, and economics in financial markets. This expert knowledge can be achieved through further education, such as a master’s degree in Finance and Investment Management.    

How to get an MSc in Finance & Investment Management?   

To study for an MSc in Finance and Investment at the University of Liverpool, you would typically require a minimum of a 2:1 class degree in any subject (relevant to a UK Bachelor’s degree) or have professional work experience or prior qualifications in a related field.  

The course content has been created by leading academics from the University of Liverpool’s AACSB, AMBA and EQUIS-accredited Management School. As a student, you will learn the core principles of finance and investment management, including corporate finance, equity and fixed income, portfolio management, financial reporting, industry analytics, economics in financial markets and fundamental research methods and will be competent to apply these principles to inform your practice in your current and future roles.   

The course combines individual study, collaborative work, and virtual classroom discussions with fellow students worldwide to enable individuals to learn from others’ experiences at an international level. At the end of the course, students will complete a research-led dissertation on a related topic of their choice to evidence their understanding and application of all they have learned during the course.  

The University of Liverpool is an Affiliated University of the CFA Institute and the skills and competencies you will acquire from the programme will enable you to individually undertake the formal CFA© Level 1 examination to show prospective employers you have the academic prestige and practical skills needed to excel in any future role.   

Studying for an MSc in Finance and Investment Management will equip you with the essential skills you need to be employed in related roles, giving you the edge regarding recruitment and career flexibility.   

If you are interested in learning more about studying an MSc in Finance and Investment at the University of Liverpool, look at our programme page for more information on fees, course structure and entry requirements.   

Why you should study an MBA 100% online

A Master of Business Administration (MBA) is a postgraduate degree designed for those already working at a managerial level but looking to progress their career further. Students will usually need three years of professional experience in managerial positions in either the private or public sector. 

In this blog, we will discuss why you should study our MBA online course at the University of Liverpool, which places the macroeconomic environment at the heart of its content, educating students on the broader implications of leadership and decision-making in the business sector.   

Students will learn about the international aspects of business and the global economy while studying core modules to provide them with the fundamental knowledge they need for roles in business management. 

The University of Liverpool Online MBA modules include, but are not limited to:

  • Developing as a Manager and Leader
  • International Business and the Global Economy
  • Managing Financial Resources
  • Digital Strategic Marketing
  • Managing Human Resources
  • Operations and Supply Chain Management
  • Strategic Advantage
  • Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  • Strategic Management Simulation
  • Management in Practice
  • MBA Project

You will also have a choice of two electives to tailor your education to your specialist interests, for example, Data Strategy and Analytics for Managers. 

Your current and previous related work environment will inform your studies and enable you to apply theory to practice. At the end of the course, students will be confident in leading and managing others and using problem-solving methods for a range of complex business issues. 

An MBA will ideally position you for management, leadership, and consultancy roles in the private and public sectors, including but not limited to construction, accounting, marketing, IT, finance, retail, government policy, and healthcare.

With this qualification, you could launch your own business, achieve career progression to a senior management position, or look for opportunities in a different industry.  

An online MBA enables you to obtain this internationally recognised qualification from the comfort of your own home as all course materials and lectures are accessed virtually, giving you the flexibility to continue to work alongside your studies.

What is the advantage of studying an MBA 100% online?

Studying an MBA online gives you a similar learning experience to an on-campus MBA, including high-calibre course content, but with a flexible schedule so that you can study where and when is convenient for you.

With an online MBA, ways of studying are more flexible. The online MBA gives you greater freedom to plan your study around your work and home life. Instead of reducing your working hours, wasting time travelling to campus or spending money on childcare, you can save money by accessing all course content, including learning materials, journals, and recorded lectures online, at a convenient time and place for you. However, there are fixed live classes and assessment dates.

Studying with a highly respected university online also means the course is accessible to a global audience, enabling you to connect with fellow professionals worldwide. Your learning will be enriched by collaborating with students from diverse backgrounds, with varied experiences, to expand your understanding of business and management on an international scale. 

Studying online does not mean you have to sacrifice the social interaction and support you would receive on campus. You will have plenty of opportunities to interact with fellow students and your lecturers using instant messaging, discussion forums, online classes, and interactive videos.

An online MBA also equips you with additional skills needed for a successful managerial career, such as time management, self-discipline, and problem-solving skills. 

The University of Liverpool’s online MBA is ranked #4 by CEO Magazine in their Global MBA Rankings for 2022. The university is also part of an exclusive group of institutions worldwide holding gold-standard triple accreditation from AACSB, AMBA and EQUIS. So, you can rest assured that the online MBA meets the high standards of an equivalent on-campus course. 

What does studying an MBA online look like?

The online MBA course at the University of Liverpool is approximately 30 months of part-time study, and all course content and learning materials are accessed via the University’s Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). This includes weekly activities that must be completed as part of the programme.

You can access recorded lectures at a time and place that is convenient for you, whether that is first thing in the morning or after work. The platform will also give you access to a comprehensive selection of e-books and journals available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to support your remote study. 

The course is a combination of recorded interactive video-based lectures, discussion forums, self-directed study, and group collaboration with other peers. You will also be able to join online classes and chat with your classmates and teachers, so wherever you are in the world, you will feel fully connected. 

You will work through eleven core business management modules to equip you with the knowledge and skillset you need for complex business problem-solving. You will also have the choice of two electives to help customise your educational experience. Choose from topics such as project management, global leadership, corporate citizenship or data strategy and analytics for managers. 

You will undertake both individual assignments and group work, and you will be expected to apply theory to real-life problem-solving in your current professional role.

Student support is also a vital component of the online study experience. With the University of Liverpool, you have access to a student services team to help you support you on every step of your online educational journey. This includes academic support, provided by our experienced and passionate subject lecturers, who are experts in their own field, study skills support, with advisers on hand to help you develop your academic skills, such as planning your assignments, academic integrity and referencing; and non-academic support, with advisers available to help you with a wide range of issues and questions and, can signpost you to other services if necessary.  

When you graduate, you will also be able to join Liverpool’s exclusive Alumni Community to stay connected and receive exclusive event invites. Not only will this expand your professional network, but it may also enhance your future career opportunities. 

If you are interested in studying for an MBA online at the University of Liverpool, look at our Master of Business Administration course where you can download a prospectus and find out more about fees and entry requirements.

What is the progression route to a senior management position?

If your goal is to progress to senior management, there are steps you can take along the way to help you prepare and perfectly position yourself for a role at the top level. 

Whether you are looking to work in the private or public sector, in this blog post we explore the path to senior management and the choice of roles available to you. 

What roles are classed as senior management? 

Senior management roles can vary depending on the industry you work in, whether you work in the private or public sector, and the size of the company you work for. However, in most businesses, senior roles sit within mid or top-level management. 

Mid-level managers usually act as a link between the day-to-day business operations and top-level management. The Head of Operations would be an example of a mid-level management role. The Head of Operations is usually responsible for the operational processes within the company, improving efficiency, revising policies, ensuring compliance, and providing strategic advice to top-level managers. 

A Commercial Director is another example of a senior management role. Commercial directors are responsible for a company’s position within the commercial marketplace. Responsibilities may include analysing sales and profits, conducting market research and investigating growth opportunities. They usually work closely with those in top-level management positions to provide their expert advice and guidance on business decisions.  

Top-level senior manager roles include Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Chief Operating Officer (COO), and Chief Marketing Officer (CMO), to name a few.  

A CFO’s responsibilities include managing the finance department, financial planning, and making key investment decisions. A CEO, on the other hand, oversees the entire company. They may also be known as the owner or founders of a company. Senior managers will report to you and provide you with the data you need to make critical business decisions.  

What is the best way to get into a management role? 

Securing a management role can take time and hard work. Most employees will need to work their way up to management, securing promotions along the way that help them climb the professional ladder.  

Managers will want to see that you can be relied upon, so meeting deadlines and delivering projects on time and within budget will also demonstrate you are capable of more responsibility.  

Excellent communication and interpersonal skills are vital for management. Participating in and chairing meetings, leading presentations, and supporting your colleagues are fantastic ways to show you are management material.  

Look out for opportunities that will provide you with supervisory or managerial experience. Even offering to train and supervise new staff members will demonstrate your willingness to support the team and help you develop the skills you need to become a successful manager.  

Once you feel ready to take the next step, consider applying for a supervisor, team leader, junior manager, or assistant management manager role. These roles allow you to work under a manager and learn from them. You will help them with their day-to-day duties and gain valuable experience in what it takes to be a manager. 

If you feel there are gaps in your knowledge and skills you would like to expand, undertaking further studies and additional courses can be a fantastic addition to your CV. It will also show employers you are taking a proactive to your self-development.  

An MSc Management course can be an excellent option for those wanting to obtain senior managerial positions but lacking the wide range of skills and in-depth knowledge needed to succeed. In a competitive business market, having a master’s qualification can help you stand out as the ideal candidate when applying for senior management roles.

What does the progression to senior manager look like?  

It can take many years to acquire the skills and experience needed to secure a senior management position. However, you can take steps to maximise your chances of success. 

If you are already working in a management position, career progression to senior management may look like applying for roles as an operations manager, head of department or director.  Experience in various roles and responsibilities will show employers you can progress to executive management positions, such as CFO, COO, and eventually, CEO. 

Communicating effectively with team members and stakeholders, managing projects of varying sizes, showing confidence in decision-making and meeting KPIs are all qualities employers look for in a manager and are excellent achievements to add to your CV. 

In addition to experience and personal qualities, you will also need to possess the skills and in-depth knowledge required to progress to senior managerial positions. One way to obtain this is with an MSc Management qualification, such as the fully online and part-time programme offered by the University of Liverpool.

The programme has been developed by experts from the University’s triple-accredited (AACSB, AMBA and EQUIS) Management School with a curriculum that blends management skills such as decision-making, learning, development, and strategy with core business skills that are tailored to the needs of management practice. 

As part of the programme, you will be able to connect with fellow professionals worldwide and learn about business management on a global scale. The level of support you receive is the same as an on-campus course, the only difference is communication is all done virtually with interactive videos, instant messaging, and online discussions.  

You will have access to all course content, including recorded lectures, learning materials, e-books, and journals on the multi-media platform. You can access them 24 hours a day, seven days a week, whenever is convenient for you. 

Once you graduate, you will also join Liverpool’s exclusive Global Career Adviser Network which connects you with leaders in your chosen field to expand career opportunities further. 

If you are looking to progress in your managerial career and are interested to learn more about studying management at the University of Liverpool, look at our online Management MSc course page. Here you will find information on fees, course content and entry requirements.  

New corporate discount launched for online programmes with the University of Liverpool

The University of Liverpool has announced an expansion of its Online Learning Partnership scheme, to help employers of any size invest in the skills of their staff through online postgraduate education.

The scheme, which was originally created for organisations with more than 250 employees, is now open to any organisation looking to invest in the development of three or more employees – providing access to tuition fee discounts and tailored support for their learning and development priorities.

Professor Gavin Brown, the University’s Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Education, said: “The pace of digital transformation in higher education has increased in recent years and we have never been better placed to support employers who recognise that talent-development is still a high priority, even in the increasingly challenging economic climate. Our 100% online and part-time master’s programmes provide a fantastic opportunity for individuals to learn alongside their job and to put their new knowledge and skills into practice in the workplace alongside their studies. Small and Medium-sized Enterprises have a vital role to play in the post-pandemic economy and we hope that the expansion of our Online Learning Partnership scheme will support them to invest in their employees and see the benefits returned in higher performance and capability.”

Other discounts and scholarships are available for online programmes with the University, including a full payment discount, alumni discount for previous Liverpool graduates, and regional scholarships for international students based overseas in eligible countries. For more information on the new corporate discount, visit online.liverpool.ac.uk/fees-and-funding/corporate-discounts.

Why support employees to study online?

Supporting employees to gain online qualifications can:

  • Address skills gaps within an organisation
  • Increase productivity
  • Improve staff retention and motivation
  • Attract new talent
  • Encourage innovation

About online programmes

The University of Liverpool was one of the first UK higher education institutions to offer degrees online and is recognised as a leader in the provision of 100% online postgraduate education, with over 20,000 online graduates in 171 countries worldwide. It is a member of the elite Russell Group of research-led UK universities and ranked in the top 200 universities worldwide.

There are a wide range of programmes available to study online with the University, from a highly rated MBA from our triple accredited (AACSB, AMBA, EQUIS) Management School, to Cyber Security, Public Health, Organisational and Business Psychology, and many more. Each programme is designed to reflect industry best practice while capitalising on the University’s academic strengths and global networks to benefit employees and their organisation.

Different awards are available, from shorter postgraduate certificates taking less than 12 months to complete to full master’s degrees that can be completed in two and a half years. Each programme is designed for online delivery and a state-of-the-art learning platform enables interactive classes and regular contact with staff and fellow students around the world.

Explore Our New FutureLearn Online Short Course – Tackling Public Health Issues: Concepts & Evidence

You may be thinking of changing your career or are looking to grow your understanding of public health. Discover our 4-week online short course with FutureLearn and immerse yourself with a breadth of knowledge and key skills to excel in the field. 

At the University of Liverpool online, our best interests lie in supporting the online student journey. We understand that people have busy lifestyles, whether you have a full-time job or other commitments outside studying, our 100% online and part-time courses are designed to fit around your lifestyle and career.

We have worked with FutureLearn, an online course provider, to carefully curate a taster short course modelled on our Master of Public Health (MPH).

The 4-week online on-demand Tackling Public Health Issues: Concepts and Evidence course will introduce key themes in public health.

Topics Include:

Week 1: Introduction to public health and models of health 

This week will provide you with a solid foundation of the topic, from understanding the history to the changing definitions of public health (including the medical model of health and social model of health) and public health in action. 

Week 2: Social determinants of health and health inequalities 

You will explore the social determinants of health that can enable individuals and societies to flourish and the different ways in which health and social inequalities present themselves.   

Week 3: Evidence in public health policy and practice 

This week focuses on an evidence-based approach to public health. You will gain clarity on what is considered evidence, including the importance of this in a public health context, the different types of evidence in further detail that are of interest in public health, and on the contrary, you will be exploring reasons for not using research evidence. 

Week 4: Ethical considerations in public health research 

In your final week, you will be looking at the ethical considerations and research standards in which we will explore the ethical considerations regarding conducting research and defining ethical research standards. This course will conclude with a summary and pointers for taking the next steps in studying public health with us at the University of Liverpool online. 

Only two hours of weekly study are required, and the course is curated by University of Liverpool academic Vickie Bates, an expert in the field of public health. You can start the course on-demand today and join a global classroom of learners. 

Why FutureLearn? 

FutureLearn is an online learning platform that enables you to learn through a mix of bite-sized videos, long- and short-form articles, audio, and practical activities. Courses are split into weeks, individual activities and steps to help you keep track of your learning. 

Top tips on preparing for and studying the course: 

  • Pick a date you are available to start studying the course – Available now!  
  • Make sure that you have full access to an online device appropriate for study, such as a laptop/computer, as the course is 100% online 
  • Find out what the course is like by previewing some of the (videos) steps before you join: What is Public Health  |  Public Health history in Britain  |  Social determinants of health 
  • Write detailed notes so that you can organise your learning on each topic from weeks 1-4
  • Manage your time efficiently so that you have a minimum of 2 hrs weekly study set aside from your work or personal commitments 
  • On concluding each week, summarise what you have learned so far so that you are ready to look ahead to the following week

By the end of this course, you will have gained a holistic understanding of the aims and challenges associated with promoting public health. This includes an understanding of how public health promotion can lead to improved population health. 

Want to learn more about the Master of Public Health (MPH)?

If you decide to further your study from the FutureLearn course, you could apply for our 100% online and part-time Master of Public Health (MPH) . The programme is fully accredited by APHEA (Agency for Public Health Education Accreditation). APHEA is an independent body which is committed to assuring and improving the quality of public health educational activities throughout Europe and the globe.

Our MPH offers a global multidisciplinary public health approach. You will work in small groups with your peers to discuss public health issues and engage in collaborative activities. Our international faculty and students bring a breadth of perspectives which provides you with unique insight into the best public health practices across the world.    

The University of Liverpool department of Public Health, Policy and Systems is one of the largest in the UK and has a world-leading status for excellence in research and education. Our activities are underpinned by the social model of health and its application to health inequalities and health and social care systems. We inspire people to learn and achieve – and do things that they never thought possible. 

A postgraduate qualification is a big investment in your future. We’re delighted to offer a For this programme, Regional Scholarships of up to 15% are available for international students based overseas in eligible countries.   Discover the range of tuition fee discounts and scholarships for online students here.

Our next Master of Public Health intake is on 11 October 2022  

Spotlight on our MSc International Human Resource Management online course

An International Human Resource Management MSc will provide you with the essential skills to recruit, support and inspire employees within global organisations.

Human resource management is all about knowing how to communicate with and motivate others to increase performance and achieve business success. However, with the ever-evolving economic climate, many organisations now want to reach a broader international demographic; therefore, human resource professionals need the specialist skills required to manage people on a global scale.

In this blog post, we are going to take a look at the MSc International Human Resource Management online course with the University of Liverpool and explore the many ways it can be beneficial for a thriving career in the world of international people management.

Who is a master’s in international human resource management for?

An International Human Resource Management MSc is a postgraduate degree designed to equip students with the knowledge required to engage, support, and motivate employees in a global, dynamic and complex environment, including international and multi-national organisations.

Knowing how to manage a workforce and get the best from employees is crucial for any company to succeed; an asset that would apply to a range of job roles in both private and public sectors. Therefore, this course would be ideal for anyone already in managerial, recruitment or human resources positions looking to advance their career or those seeking a job in these areas.

All applications will be considered on a case-by-case basis; however, as a minimum, applicants require a 2:1 class degree in any subject (equivalent to a UK bachelor’s degree) or evidence of professional work experience or prior qualifications in a related field.

What are the educational aims of this course?

The educational aim of this course is to equip students with the core human resource management knowledge and skills they will need to successfully lead and manage teams within international organisations and more generally within a global context. 

Students will learn evidence-based tools to manage staff performance, learning and progression on a global scale and how to influence the success of an organisation through the strategic management and development of its workforce. Students will undertake critically reflective learning practices to analyse and develop their human resource management skills.

The course also aims to provide students with the business knowledge they need, including the principles of strategic leadership, the critical analysis of data and financial research and how to apply this knowledge internationally.

What does the master’s in international human resource management programme entail?

The MSc in International Human Resource Management is an entirely online part-time course. Learning will combine study and virtual classroom discussions with fellow students worldwide so individuals can learn from each other’s experiences.

Your personal and professional background will help to inform your studies and allow you to test the theories and frameworks you learn so you can apply them in your current and future roles.

The programme focuses on the implications of globalisation on human resource management practices. The course content will educate students on how to approach managing a workforce within and across various countries, taking into consideration diverse cultures, new legislative frameworks and prioritising ethical and sustainable business practices.

The course will feature the following modules:

  • Strategic Human Resource Management 
  • Becoming a Leader 
  • Ethical and Sustainable Business Practice 
  • Finance and Data Analysis for Managers 
  • Strategic Learning, Training and Development
  • Managing Change and Conflict 
  • People and Performance Management
  • Research Methods 

At the end of the course, students will also need to complete a research-led dissertation on their chosen human resource topic.

What are the benefits of studying for a master’s in international human resource management?

The business world is incredibly competitive and changing at a rapid pace. With more organisations wanting to reach an international audience, professionals need to have the training to adapt to these changes and overcome the challenges this may bring. A master’s in International Human Resource Management is a unique and highly desirable qualification that shows prospective employers you have the skills needed to drive their workforce forward.

Having this level of training and education also helps to maximise your career options and earning potential. Upon graduating, you could choose to start your own business, work for various organisations as an international human resource management consultant, or gain employment at a multi-national company, major international retailer, or government department.

Studying an MSc online also gives you the flexibility to study at a time and place that is convenient for you; all study materials are available 24 hours a day, 7 days per week which means you can advance in your career alongside your home and work life.

If you would like to learn more about the University of Liverpool International Human Resource Management MSc course, head to our programme page for further information on course content, fees and structure.

Spotlight on our MSc Finance and Investment Management online course

The University of Liverpool Management School is one of an elite group of institutions worldwide to hold the gold standard ‘triple-crown’ accreditation from AACSBAMBA and EQUIS. The MSc Finance and Investment Management programme here at the University of Liverpool will provide you with a solid understanding of the interaction of finance, financial markets and securities and investment analysis.

The syllabus for this management course draws extensively from the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) programme and this provides an attractive option to pursue professional Level 1 examinations alongside your MSc programme studies. The CFA qualification is globally recognised and provides candidates with a strong foundation of investment analysis and portfolio management skills, as well as all the practical knowledge that is required in the modern finance and investment industry.  

Who is a master’s in Finance and Investment Management for?

The entry requirements for studying the MSc in Finance and Investment Management typically include holding a Bachelor’s degree (with honours) at a minimum 2:1 level in an appropriate field of study, such as Finance, Accounting, Economics, Business, Mathematics, Engineering etc. This postgraduate degree is open to students across the globe, so candidates will have the opportunity to work alongside people with various backgrounds and unique experiences to learn from.

The master’s degree in Finance and Investment Management is ideal for those that are interested in advancing their professional career in the finance and investment industry and are keen to expand their knowledge and practical skills in topics such as international investment, financial modelling, corporate finance, wealth management, security investment analysis and much more.

Graduates successfully completing the programme will leave with a practical understanding of how essential financial theory is applied in practice and will learn from highly qualified academics with a wealth of research and financial expertise.

Why should I study a master’s in Finance and Investment?

Studying and successfully completing the programme means graduates will leave with an MSc qualification from a Russell Group institution. Additionally, you could also aim to pass the external Level 1 CFA examination. This is a globally recognised and renowned qualification that will be sure to help candidates land their dream job in a field of their choice.

Successful graduates of the Finance and Investment Management course will have a wide range of exciting and honourable career prospects to choose from when the time comes to take their next steps in the industry they have chosen to go into, whether that is accounting or wealth management.

Graduates of the master’s in Finance and Investment Management programme will leave with many career opportunities and the skills and knowledge required to succeed in the competitive world of finance.

What are the educational aims of this MSc?

The aim of the master’s in Finance and Investment is to provide all candidates with a solid understanding of the interaction of finance and financial markets, securities and investment analysis, and much more. Successful candidates will leave this programme with knowledge and understanding of contemporary financial principles and will know how to apply these in practice to financial intermediation, savings and investment.

Modules for this MSc include covering topics such as financial reporting and analysis, quantitative methods and economics, equity and fixed income markets, financial regulation and ethics, derivatives and alternative investments, corporate finance, portfolio managements, research skills and much more.

The programme places a rigorous focus on both theory and application and you will gain a wealth of desirable skills in finance and investment, enabling you to go into your respective careers after graduation well equipped with everything you need to succeed and make the best business decisions in the finance world.

What are the benefits of studying for an MSc?

Studying for an MSc in Finance and Investment Management is highly beneficial and the knowledge, skills and expertise gained by graduates is highly sought after by employers within the industry. You will be learning from highly qualified academics and also benefit from our strong connections and relationships within the finance and investment market.

Graduates of the master’s in Finance and Investment Management programme will leave with highly desirable professional and financial skills that will open the doors to a wide range of career prospects and opportunities for them. They will also benefit from a curriculum that is informed by the latest knowledge and critical thinking relevant in the finance world.

The University of Liverpool is a Russell Group University and is ranked in the top 200 universities worldwide, with a national rank of 14th. Overall, the University is ranked in the top 0.7% of global universities in the Center for World University Rankings (CWUR).

To find out more about our Finance and Investment Management MSc Course including modules fees and entry requirements, visit our programme page. For comprehensive information, including module learning outcomes, download a programme booklet.

What can you do with a master’s in finance and investment?

The University of Liverpool Management School is one of an elite group of institutions worldwide to hold the gold standard ‘triple-crown’ accreditation from AACSBAMBA and EQUIS.

The University of Liverpool is a Russell Group University and is ranked in the top 200 universities worldwide, with a national rank of 14th. Overall, the University is ranked in the top 0.7% of global universities in the Center for World University Rankings (CWUR).

The online Finance and Investment Management MSc programme from the University of Liverpool will provide you with a solid understanding of the interaction of finance, financial markets and securities and investment analysis.  

What is a Master’s in Finance and Investment?

The MSc in Finance and Investment Management programme is a postgraduate degree that provides all candidates with a strong foundation of investment analysis and portfolio management skills, along with the practical knowledge that is required of anyone in the modern finance and investment industry.

Graduates undertaking this course will leave with a good understanding of contemporary financial principles and will know how to apply these to financial intermediation, savings, and investment. You will also be trained in financial market applications of these theories and concepts, as well as learning how to use state-of-the-art industry analytics in your studies.

This master’s degree is designed to provide all candidates with both academic knowledge and practical skills, enabling them to leave the programme with all that they need to find employment in various job roles within the financial services industry.

What jobs can you get with a master’s in finance and investment?

With a master’s in finance and investment, there’s a wide range of different jobs you can get within the finance industry, whether that’s security analysis or investment management. Finance degrees have a much broader range than one may initially expect, so there are plenty of varied options for candidates once they have successfully completed the programme.

Having a master’s in finance and investment under your belt will make you highly desirable to many employers and opens the doors to various career opportunities around the world, from wealth management and accounting to financial analyst. Whilst working in finance may seem daunting and challenging, it’s also highly rewarding and both professionally and personally beneficial in several ways.

How do you get a job with a master’s in finance and investment?

A postgraduate master’s degree in finance and investment is the best option to help graduates land a role of their choice in what is quite a competitive industry. However there are a number of different things you can do and routes you can take to ensure you land the role of your dreams after graduating with a master’s in finance and investment, such as seeking out internships as early as possible during your years of studying, using the diversity of experience you have gained as an online student to stand out, targeting your studies towards the specific role you are interested in to increase your chances, and most importantly, begin garnering your credentials by completing qualifications that are well-respected in the finance industry, such as the CFA.

The syllabus for this management course here at Liverpool University draws extensively from the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) programme and so this would be very useful if you’re wishing to sit the CFA Level 1 examination alongside your MSc programme studies. The CFA qualification is one that is globally recognised and provides candidates with a strong foundation of investment analysis and portfolio management skills, as well as all the practical knowledge that is required in the modern finance and investment industry.

To find out more about our Finance and Investment Management MSc Course, including modules fees and entry requirements, visit our programme page. For comprehensive information, including module learning outcomes, download a programme booklet.