Yasmina Fadlallah – Master of Public Health (MPH) 

I selected the University of Liverpool for several reasons and something that stood out was the University’s prestigious reputation, and outstanding history in public health education. 

Tell us a little about yourself

My name is Yasmina Fadlallah. I currently work remotely as a purchase executive in a petrochemical company in Muscat, Oman, while also furthering my expertise in research by pursuing a Master of Public Health with the University of Liverpool.

Why did you choose to study your programme?

The sudden and unexpected loss of my father during COVID-19 had the most devastating impact on me. This deeply personal experience drove me to delve deeper into the field of public health, contribute meaningfully, and help communities handle such overwhelming crises. These challenges motivated and ultimately led me to pursue the online Master of Public Health programme at the University of Liverpool.

Why did you decide to study online with the University of Liverpool?

I selected the University of Liverpool for several reasons. Something that stood out was the university’s prestigious reputation and outstanding history in public health education. Additionally, the University of Liverpool has long-standing connections with a diverse range of organisations, providing an invaluable opportunity for me to engage with innovative public health research and practice.

What has your experience of the programme been like?

I personally enjoy the flexible timing it offers, especially while having a full-time job. This allows me to complete both my work and studies at my own pace and from the comfort of my home. The platform is also easy to use and understand. The collaborative assignments and online discussion forums are a great way to interact and collaborate with peers from diverse backgrounds.

What has inspired you during your studies so far?

I have learned to recognise the theories and theoretical frameworks used in certain studies and to identify research style approaches; whether it is qualitative or quantitative, positivist or interpretivist, and so on. This understanding has provided invaluable insights and significantly broadened my understanding of the field of public health.

What are you looking forward to most on your programme?

I am looking forward to completing more modules and further expanding my knowledge, with the hope of applying learnings and skills in the public health field. My aim is to bring about noticeable differences, including more equity and social justice for vulnerable populations in my country, region and around the world.

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Olanrewaju Adeboye – Healthcare Leadership MSc

The modules are detailed and impactful. Most of the lessons are applicable to the healthcare industry. The programme has also improved my communication and technology skills among other benefits.

Olanrewaju Adeboye MSc Healthcare Leadership

Tell us a little about yourself

l am a medical doctor in Nigeria and l work for the Government. l work as a clinician and an administrator, and l have over 10 years of working experience.

Why did you choose to study your programme?

After l graduated from medical school and l was employed by the Government, l had to enrol for a master’s in public administration to perform my duties well. After that, l proceeded to study for a master’s in public health. However, l still felt the need to explore healthcare leadership further, and after searching seriously l found the perfect institution for the programme.

Why did you decide to study online with the University of Liverpool?

The online programme is flexible, and does not hinder my duties in my current workplace. Taking another career break would affect my promotion at work.

What has your experience of the programme been like?

l have learnt a lot since l enrolled on the programme. The modules are detailed and impactful. Most of the lessons are applicable to the healthcare industry. The programme has also improved my communication and technology skills among other benefits.

What has inspired you most during your studies so far?

The feedback from lecturers and the support system of the institution.

What are you looking forward to most on your programme?

Graduating and proceeding to take up a higher role at my current workplace.

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Winston Wangwe – Master of Public Health (MPH)

The health programme here has activities across the emergency response to development continuum, from emergency flood response to strengthening health systems. I look forward to continuing to impact the population I serve through policy advocacy and health systems, strengthening especially in maternal, child, and adolescent health; and MHPSS. 

Winston Wangwe Master of Public Health

Tell us a little about yourself

I am a humanitarian doctor currently working with the International Rescue Committee (IRC) as a county health coordinator in Payinjar County, South Sudan. In the past, I have worked in various roles both clinical and administrative, in public, private, and NGO settings in Kenya.

Why did you choose to study your programme?

I chose to study the MPH programme because it provides me with the knowledge and skills to serve and impact my community at a population level – especially on matters to do with maternal, child, and adolescent Health; and MHPSS. This is in contrast to saving one life at a time as a medical doctor working in a hospital’s reproductive health unit. The MPH enables me to broaden my approach to analysing and solving health issues. The ecological model seeks to address disparities in the determinants of health at different levels, and is more impactful than the biomedical approach.

Why did you decide to study online with the University of Liverpool?

The online MPH programme with the University of Liverpool was flexible enough to allow me to study while working. I was thus able to achieve multiple goals, including studying at this prestigious university, furthering my career using the knowledge and skills gained, and taking care of my young family.

What has inspired you most during your studies?

I was inspired by the quality and structure of the module lessons, the availability and dedication of my tutors, and my interactions with, and narratives of, my fellow students from all over the world. I had classmates from different countries, of varying ages, who had come to pursue the MPH from different starting points in life. I found their life experiences quite inspiring. I also had tutors who have achieved a great deal in the world of health policy, health finance, and research, and I am inspired to one day be like them.

Have you had to overcome any personal or professional obstacles?

It was not always easy to make time to complete the modules, especially when I was working in a very busy reproductive health unit at a hospital in Dadaab, Kenya. A lot of planning and sacrifice enabled me to push through. Raising the fees for the course was also not a smooth ride, but I must say the flexibility of the programme in terms of allowing me to pay fees on a modular basis was really helpful. I still had to pause once or twice to reorganise my finances, but I could always pick up from where I left off and continue to finally finish my dissertation.

How have you applied the skills you’ve learned in your professional role?

The knowledge and skills learned in the course are instrumental in my day-to-day life as Health Manager in a humanitarian setting. I continue to practice analysing and solving health problems from an ecological point of view instead of the biomedical view that automatically comes with training as a medical doctor. This allows me and my team to look for potential solutions upstream from the health problem. I have also gained collaboration and teamwork skills, quantitative and qualitative analysis skills, and writing skills among others, which continue to positively impact my work. Skills in reflexivity and journaling have also been impactful.

What advice would you give someone considering online study?

Online study provides you with a flexible yet great opportunity to study and further your career while you work. The structure of the online programme at the University of Liverpool helps with growing the discipline and determination needed to complete the course.

What are your plans for the future?

My plan is to use the knowledge and skills gained to further my career in humanitarian public health practice. I want to grow into leadership and have a positive and evidence-based impact on policies that affect maternal, child, and adolescent Health; and MHPSS.

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Manish Madnani – Healthcare Leadership MSc

The University of Liverpool is a known name to many, and it has its own legacy. Searching through a variety of courses in the same domain, I found the most suitable and wonderful programme. After the first module, I am proud and happy to say that I made a very good decision.

Manish Madnani MSc Healthcare Leadership

Tell us a little about yourself

I am a native of India and work as a gastrointestinal surgeon in Bahrain. I am passionate about learning new things. My favourite escapes from routine life are strolling around the sea and reading. I cook, write, and love to spend time with my family.

Why did you choose to study your programme?

As a clinician in private healthcare, it is not enough to just work as a doctor. I mean, apart from clinical and surgical skills, many other soft skills are needed to grow. Initially, I thought about studying management, but leadership was one step ahead of management. Then I thought, why not learn what might help me become a better person as a whole, not just a chap who carries out transactions?

Why did you decide to study online with the University of Liverpool?

The University of Liverpool is a known name to many, and it has its own legacy. Searching through a variety of courses in the same domain, I found the most suitable and wonderful programme. After the first module, I am proud and happy to say that I made a very good decision. I could not afford to leave my work and travel to places after more than a decade was spent on medical studies, so this online option came as a boon. And I am sure this platform is as good as the on-campus programme, with the added benefit of inherent social distancing, which is a need of time.

What have your first impressions of the programme been like?

It was an absolutely enthralling experience. Support provided by each member was way more than expected, be it the admissions team, finance team or student support team. The basic induction module was packed with so much academic skills, which were never known to me before. The library is extensively resourced, and IT support is marvellous. Ease of navigation through the modules and online platform is an added benefit. Meticulously curated reading lists, invaluable guidance from the lecturer, and a great team of colleagues made my first module very much informative and enjoyable. It passed in the blink of an eye.

What are you looking forward to most on your programme?

With the advancement, of course, more stringent learning is expected. Modules are going to be tougher in the sense that I don’t have any basic idea about the topics. But that is why I am here to learn them. Looking forward to accomplishing these tasks.

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