Khungeka Njobe – Finance and Investment Management MSc

The University of Liverpool offered a course that I was looking for in terms of the quality of the university on QS Rankings. Accessibility, flexibility and the quality of education informed my decision.

Khungeka Njobe MSc Finance and Investment Management

Tell us a little about yourself

I am the Head of Environmental Programme at WWF South Africa. I lead and oversee a portfolio of activities in thematic areas that include climate, sustainable finance, freshwater, land & biodiversity, marine, sustainable food systems, circular economy and wildlife. I possess a B.Sc (Hons) in Biology from the University of California, as well as a Masters in Science from the University of Pretoria. I underwent management training from the International Institute for Management Development (IMD) in Lausanne, Switzerland, and obtained a certificate in Mastering Technology Enterprises (MTE). Recently, I completed several courses in Business Sustainability Management, Disruptive Innovation, Design Thinking and Innovation for Business, Sustainable Finance Climate Change and Business: Towards Net Zero and ESG: Navigating Board’s Role. I have extensive leadership and management experience obtained in the public, private and NGO sectors. I am passionate about sustainability, the environment, innovation, science and technology.

Why did you choose to study your programme?

From this course, I expect to gain knowledge, skills, and expertise in finance and investments. [This is] to enhance our strategic interventions on sustainable finance, financing and investment in green and clean technologies, and collaborations in general with the finance sector.

Why did you decide to study online with the University of Liverpool?

Online study provides flexibility, especially if you are in a full-time job and travel a lot. It is also cost-effective and enables access to high-quality education from anywhere in the world. The University of Liverpool offered a course that I was looking for, and in terms of quality of the university on QS Rankings, it rates better than South African universities. Accessibility, flexibility and quality of education informed my decision.

What has your experience of the programme been like?

I am finding it very valuable. Lecturecasts and reading materials provide very good content and the programme schedule is manageable. I enjoyed the seminars offered during Modules 2 and 3. I have enjoyed the interactions with all three lecturers to date. They have been helpful, knowledgeable and fair. I was also pleased that the Examination Board reviews the grading of our assignments and therefore provides an objective adjudication of grades. I think this process builds confidence. I have made a connection with one classmate and we keep up on WhatsApp as we worked together on a group assignment. Group assignments I also enjoy, and I would recommend they are built into the assessment criteria.

What has inspired you most during your studies so far?

The lecture content is very relevant and insightful. I feel like I am learning a lot and what I watch in business reports now makes good sense.

What are you looking forward to most on your programme?

The rest of the modules look interesting. I am also looking forward to the research part of the programme. I hope that we will get a lot of advice in choosing research topics that are relevant to our career objectives.

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Finance and Investment Management MSc – Learn more

Olanrewaju Adeboye – Healthcare Leadership MSc

The modules are detailed and impactful. Most of the lessons are applicable to the healthcare industry. The programme has also improved my communication and technology skills among other benefits.

Olanrewaju Adeboye MSc Healthcare Leadership

Tell us a little about yourself

l am a medical doctor in Nigeria and l work for the Government. l work as a clinician and an administrator, and l have over 10 years of working experience.

Why did you choose to study your programme?

After l graduated from medical school and l was employed by the Government, l had to enrol for a master’s in public administration to perform my duties well. After that, l proceeded to study for a master’s in public health. However, l still felt the need to explore healthcare leadership further, and after searching seriously l found the perfect institution for the programme.

Why did you decide to study online with the University of Liverpool?

The online programme is flexible, and does not hinder my duties in my current workplace. Taking another career break would affect my promotion at work.

What has your experience of the programme been like?

l have learnt a lot since l enrolled on the programme. The modules are detailed and impactful. Most of the lessons are applicable to the healthcare industry. The programme has also improved my communication and technology skills among other benefits.

What has inspired you most during your studies so far?

The feedback from lecturers and the support system of the institution.

What are you looking forward to most on your programme?

Graduating and proceeding to take up a higher role at my current workplace.

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Healthcare Leadership MSc – Learn more